
FL 21, Ex 3200, ISO 400, Manual

FL 18, Ex 3200, ISO 400, Manual

This image from the internet shows deep shadows. The contrast between the black and white are intense. The shadows have a very dark black color and really pops out. The shadows are what stand out and is the main idea compared to the other light. The black and white really helps the shadows out more and make them more dark. The shapes of the shadows also play a part in helping it make it stand out more. The angle of the camera and where its placed makes the shadows better visible. The light coming in the other way is what makes the shadow greater as well. The shadow appears to be a couple. Overall I would say this picture is good and give it an 8 out of 10.



F 20, ISO 400, M, LFL 30, SS 30
SS 30, F 20, ISO 400, M, LFL 55
M, ISO 400, LFL 33, SS 30
I believe this internet photo shows great texture because it reveals tension to detail. You can see all the cracks and texture on the lava. This photo proves texture very well. This picture interest me and makes me like it because of the colors and details that are on lava and around it. I have reason to think that this is a successful photograph because it really captures the main focus and the meaning of the photo.