Action and Motion Photography Explained

Slowing down your shutter speed can help with capturing your motion blur. Letting your cameras shutter open for a long period of time helps. Having a fast shutter speed is not going to capture much movement. Determining your shutter speed can also depend on the speed of your subject. The slower your subject, the slower the shutter speed needs to be to create a blur.

When considering shutter is how much light exists in a scene. The longer the shutter speed the more light that gets into your camera. The more light that gets into your camera the more risks you get of blowing out or overexposing your image. Two ways of getting motion in your in your images could be by having your object move or having your camera move. Using a small aperture and narrowing it can help with less light hitting the camera sensor.

File Formats

Raw-Raw gives you the highest quality of an image captured.

JPEG-Many JPEG images can be stored in a memory card because of the small file size.

TIFF-TIFF gives you the ability to manipulate photos extensively in editing software.

DNG-DNG gives you the ability to use image processing software such as Lightroom and photoshop.

PNG-The lossless compression makes for good image quality, which isn’t compromised when editing.

GIF-GIF files are ideal for use on the web because of the small file size.

PSD-PSD gives you the ability to manipulate an image extensively on separate layers.

BMP-BMP can be used for printing, as the images are high quality.


This surrealism art looks great. The separation of the faces and the face is on the left and the other part is on the right is very interesting. The art work kind of has a message in it. You can make an assumption of what the picture is saying. This surrealism work interests me because of the odd broken face. The setting of the ocean makes it more intriguing to me. The way the face is broken off and crooked really adds to it as well.

Camera Modes

Manual mode is when you have full control over you camera. AV mode is when your looking to control the depth of field in a shot. TV mode is for when you want to control over shutter speed. Program mode gives you a little more control over some other features such as flash, white balance, and ISO. Sports mode is for photographing moving objects and increases your chances for catching the object.


M, 400 ISO, SS 125, FL 36

I chose this post because of its unique camera angle. The way it looks up into the sky is very nice. It makes the image way better because of the angle. I like the way the camera is positioned. The way they did it was well done. I like where the picture is took as well. The building surrounding the camera is great. It makes the picture pop out more because if that. The building looks tall and look way bigger because of the camera position. The buildings really add to the picture which is good. The color choice for this picture is also great. The black and white is very nice. Its nice and simple which I like. The contrast between the black and white is done good. You can tell the difference from the sky and the tree and the buildings. I like this post because of the color and camera angle mostly. Without the black and white it wouldn’t have stood out that much. The camera angle looking up into the sky makes me like it a lot more as well.


FL 21, Ex 3200, ISO 400, Manual

FL 18, Ex 3200, ISO 400, Manual

This image from the internet shows deep shadows. The contrast between the black and white are intense. The shadows have a very dark black color and really pops out. The shadows are what stand out and is the main idea compared to the other light. The black and white really helps the shadows out more and make them more dark. The shapes of the shadows also play a part in helping it make it stand out more. The angle of the camera and where its placed makes the shadows better visible. The light coming in the other way is what makes the shadow greater as well. The shadow appears to be a couple. Overall I would say this picture is good and give it an 8 out of 10.
